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You must know why Tarte magnetic palette is not suitable for Mac pro-refill pans.

Tarte custom magnetic palette

I was happy when I ordered Tarte custom magnetic palette so that I can transfer some of the MAC’s refill pans and blushes to it. Before that, I owned just a MAC Pro Palette Compact that beautifully accommodates their single eye shadow and blush refill pan inserts with no issues.

But the space in the palette was so occupied that some of my eye-shadow pans literally bend from the side due to inconsistent placement of blush and eye shadow pans together including one or two from other brands. I could see that the poor thing was already exhausted and was overcrowded.


Initially, I intended to buy one more MAC Pro Palette Compact as I was happy with the quality and it was surely a place for all. But I saw Tarte’s magnetic palette on sale and I instantly added it to the cart and placed the order. 

I never gave so much importance to other details and hence never thought about how a Tarte’s magnetic palette will work for refill pans that have already Magnet attached at the bottom of it. 

You see, MAC refill pans are made of steel and so they provide a tiny magnet glued to them. That’s the reason it can easily accommodate their inserts in their company-made customizable palettes. Now here is the catch, those are surely no magnetic pallets but just cases made up of metal surfaces to attract and embrace the attached magnet of the refill pans. 

Left is MAC Pro refill pan eye shadow and right is ABH eye shadow refill pan

Now, Tarte magnetic palette is indeed a “Magnetic Palette” that holds the metal pans beautifully. As I can say, the refill pan from ABH (Anastasia Beverly Hills) is made with metal and stuck to a palette as if they are made for each other. On the contrary, MAC inserts fell apart and so did not make any sense to even try to fit those into it.

I did not play with Mac inserts or tried to detach the piece of magnet of it. As it was mere waste of time that could have caused damage to those tiny pans. 

If the refill pan inserts are glued to the tiny piece of a magnet then make sure you simply buy a customizable palette that is non-magnetic (has metal surface). As we all know “The opposite poles of two magnets will attract one another when they are brought together, but the same poles will repel one another”. Now, who knows which is the North or South pole of the magnet when we buy such items.

So, finally, I would like to conclude my post here. 

As mentioned earlier, make sure you check what kind of refill pans you have and accordingly buy the one which is suitable. 

If you have MAC refill pans then it would be recommendable to buy their pro refill palettes only. 

If you have pans that have no attached piece of a magnet at the bottom of them then probably Tarte’s palettes would be suitable for them.

I wish I had known this before. Perhaps I missed the point and could not understand the technicality of it. Anyway, guys, I am glad Tarte’s custom magnetic palette open my eyes and made me think over some basic points before buying any random custom palettes. 

I hope you find this post helpful and understand why Tarte’s magnetic palette is not useful for Mac pro-refill pans? Or for any of their Inserts.

This was my experience.

Let me know in the comment below if you think this is a helpful post.

Thank you so much. 



Author: sonalivaidya

I am a wife & a mother and enjoy life with different colors. I have a technical educational background having 9 years of experience in the core companies. It's my new passion taking me to blogging world so I am totally excited. So wish me luck and thank you!

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