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Simple Make up for acne prone skin – Desi style (Indian Style)

Short post alert!

Hello, my beauties,

I know how hard it is to look put together for acne-prone skin when we go out to attend a wedding or even a casual event. As far as makeup is concerned, I believe less is more. So I am using fewer products and trying to look more elegant even with minimum makeup (no extra steps to hide acne).

Here, I have not used any filter as well. I love these simple steps while getting ready when I break out badly.

Kindly watch the below #youtube short video and let me know what you think.

I hope you like it.

Thank you.


Author: sonalivaidya

I am a wife & a mother and enjoy life with different colors. I have a technical educational background having 9 years of experience in the core companies. It's my new passion taking me to blogging world so I am totally excited. So wish me luck and thank you!

2 thoughts on “Simple Make up for acne prone skin – Desi style (Indian Style)”

  1. I follow your recommended products and results are amazing as you said.

    Thanks sonali 😘



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